Different Types of Acupuncture For Everybody
There are a lot of different ways of practicing acupuncture and you will discover that when you are an acupuncturist you have to be proficient with all of the techniques, but you can specialize in one type of acupuncture. You must know that acupuncture is not right for everybody and not all techniques are appropriate for every person. The acupuncturist must determine what is best for you and your ailments. Acupuncture can help you with stomachaches, headaches, arthritis, infertility, back pains, and many other diseases or conditions. Acupuncture is especially good for removing pain.
Acupuncture belongs to Traditional Chinese medicine. During acupuncture procedure you can lie down comfortably or you can sit in a comfortable chair. Very thin needles are inserted into the body in multiple spots, called meridians. This helps qi, which is body's energy, to flow without obstacles. One of the most popular in the United States and many other countries is TCM acupuncture, but there are other acupuncture techniques too.
Japanese acupuncture is a little different from Chinese acupuncture, because it is usually less intrusive and rigorous, but you may find it to be a very pleasant experience. The needles are thinner or shorter and usually less needles are used.
Korean hand acupuncture is good for people who have problems with sitting or lying for long periods. Korean hand acupuncturists are highly skilled professionals, and if you are afraid of needles it is highly recommended.
Auricircular acupuncture is for people who can't have needles placed at many different points. The needles are placed near ears. This is very good for drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.
Acupuncture can be useful for anybody and for many different problems. You need to find a qualified practitioner who will know what type of acupuncture will be best for you.

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